Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today, I have a plan.

My plan consists of:

1. Eating
2. Taking a nap
3. Watching my sister play soccer (in the rain)
4. Eating some more
5. Listening to music
6. Waiting for Izzy to come over
7. Having a dance party with Izzy
8. Eating again
9. Doing something exciting and adventurous with Izzy
10. Not sleeping until like 3 or 4 am.

Yes, It will be a blast!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I have a friend...(reply to his song)

Despite the way he makes me feel,
(which is mostly angry and sad)
he did something that surprised me.

He wrote a song,
and though it wasn't exactly for me,
it was inspired by me.

(not in a good way)

Now, we've both been bad friends to each other lately,
but I was very hurt about something he'd done (recently).

I don't want to specify.

he wrote a song,
so I figured I'd write one back.

I call it,
"One day at a time"

("sounds like a country song!" -old man in "The Wedding Singer")
(it isn't.)

Once in a while,
I lose my cool.
I yell at you,
I cry on the phone.

I try and tell you exactly how I feel,
it always makes sense in my mind,
but it never comes out right.

I try every day,
but you still won't stay.
There's always something,
usually a someone else too.

I look at you.
I feel ok.
I look at us,
day after day.

one day at a time.

*crowd cheers!*
*CHLOE KEEDY points out obvious mistakes (such as it is petty/ has no bridge)*

If you read this (referring to him)
well let me know.