Monday, November 8, 2010

I will let you down.

Unfortunatly, I haven't been blogging since exactly one month ago.

I've had a difficult few weeks,
but I think it's time to change.

I've gone through an experience that I don't much like,
but I think it's time to move on.

To you, my followers, I appologize.
I know my blog was the most important thing in your life ;)

time to catch up:

I've fallen in love.
With a couple new bands that is,
Bon Iver
Local Natives

You need to listen to these bands.

Bon Iver is amazing.
I would've not gotten through these past few weeks without this band.
Instead of describing them, I think it's nessesary that you look them up on your own.

Local Natives are so incredibly gifted.
I hope to one day have a fifth of the talent they have.
"Airplanes" is the first song I heard from them,
because of my experiences, I cried.
I highly recomend you check it out.

Today, I was to turn in my English project,
which I did.
CHLOE yours was awesome and I think we both deserve an awesome over-achiever's award.

McB, I must get an "A"
(prefferrably an "A+")
thank you for opening my eyes to the art of literature and poetry.

talk to ya tomorrow :)
I promise.